Donnelly Nelson Depolo
Murray & Efremsky
Attorneys and Counselors at Law

Experienced Defense Attorneys For Dental Providers

For dental providers facing malpractice claims, the need for effective defense representation is paramount. For providers throughout Northern and Central California, Donnelly Nelson Depolo Murray & Efremsky has provided the strong defense representation needed to achieve a favorable result. We are prepared to represent dentists, oral surgeons, orthodontists and other licensed dental professionals facing malpractice claims as well as licensing and disciplinary matters.

Dental Malpractice Claims

Dental malpractice claims often allege errors such as:

  • Misdiagnosis of oral disease
  • Failure to treat oral infections
  • Dental equipment malfunctions
  • Errors in procedures such as root canals, extractions, and reconstructive and cosmetic dentistry

We consult with experts in dentistry, oral surgery, orthodontics and other related fields who help us investigate malpractice claims and, when necessary, provide expert testimony. Our aggressive approach to dental malpractice defense has allowed us to establish a proven record of success protecting the careers and reputation of California dental providers.

Protecting The Rights And Interests Of California Dental Providers

Our attorneys provide strong, effective defense representation to dentists and their malpractice insurance providers throughout Northern and Central California. We can be contacted by telephone at 925-287-8181.

Our Office

Donnelly Nelson Depolo
Murray & Efremsky 
Attorneys and Counselors at Law

201 North Civic Drive
Suite 239
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone: 925-287-8181
Fax: 925-287-8188
Map and directions